Using the Panel command, you can control servers hosted on Pterodactyl Panel.

Login to the panel and go to your user profile and create a client api key and copy it. then go to any channel RconCraft is in and run: /panel action:setup value1: value2:apikey ✅ Successfully setted up Panel!
Then you'll be able to start, stop, kill and list servers in that panel:
/panel action:list Panel Setups:
/panel action:list value1:0 Panel Servers:
0: My Server
/panel action:start value1:0 value2:0 ✅ Successfully started server! /panel action:stop value1:0 value2:0 ✅ Successfully stopped server! /panel action:restart value1:0 value2:0 ✅ Successfully restarted server! /panel action:send value1:0 value2:0 command:list There are 7 players online!
To remove a panel setup:
/panel action:list Panel Setups:
/panel action:remove value1:0 ✅ Successfully removed panel setup!